Masato Koyama's Home Page - Shizuoka
I mainly study volcanology, historical seismology, and tectonics.
Japanese version is here.
(Photo: Fuji Volcano, Japan)
Last modified: January 9, 2004
access counter since 2004
To other WWW pages on volcanology and seismology
in Japan
Society of Japan
・Working Group on Historical Volcanology
based on Ancient-Modern Literature in Japan
Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
・Vocano Research
Center, the Earthquake Research Institute
Section of the Geological Survey of Japan
・The Volcanic
Homepage (Geol.Surv.Japan, Hokkaido Branch)
Hayakawa (Gunma University)
Chiba (Asia Air Survey, Co.Ltd.)
Return to
Shizuoka University
of Geosciences, Shizuoka University

Copyright1995-2004 Masato Koyama. No reproduction or republication
without written permission.